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Showing 1 - 12 from 74,994 Standards Found 74,994 Standards
GSO BS 1377-3:2024/A1:2024
BS 1377-3:2021 
Amendment to Gulf Standard
Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Chemical and electro-chemical testing
GSO EN 17344:2024
EN 17344:2020 
Gulf Standard
Agricultural machinery - Self-propelled agricultural and forestry vehicles - Requirements for braking
GSO IEC 62841-3-6:2024
IEC 62841-3-6:2014 
Gulf Standard
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 3-6: Particular requirements for transportable diamond drills with liquid system
GSO IEC 60335-2-119:2024
IEC 60335-2-119:2021 
Gulf Standard
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-119: Particular requirements for commercial vacuum packaging appliances
GSO ISO 21384-2:2024
ISO 21384-2:2021 
Gulf Standard
Unmanned aircraft systems — Part 2: UAS components
GSO ISO 12999-2:2024
ISO 12999-2:2020 
Gulf Standard
Acoustics — Determination and application of measurement uncertainties in building acoustics — Part 2: Sound absorption
GSO ISO 17069:2024
ISO 17069:2020 
Gulf Standard
Accessible design — Consideration and assistive products for accessible meeting
GSO IEC 60794-2-50:2024
IEC 60794-2-50:2023 
Gulf Standard
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-50: Indoor cables - Family specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in terminated cable assemblies
GSO IEC 60404-8-7:2024
IEC 60404-8-7:2020 
Gulf Standard
Magnetic materials - Part 8-7: Specifications for individual materials - Cold-rolled grain-oriented electrical steel strip and sheet delivered in the fully-processed state
GSO ASTM E2129:2024
ASTM E2129:18 
Gulf Standard
Standard Practice for Data Collection for Sustainability Assessment of Building Products
GSO IEC 60884-3-1:2024
IEC 60884-3-1:2021 
Gulf Standard
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 3-1: Particular requirements for socket-outlets incorporating USB power supply
GSO IEC 61987-31:2024
IEC 61987-31:2022 
Gulf Standard
Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 31: List of Properties (LOPs) of infrastructure devices for electronic data exchange – Generic structures