BH GSO OIML R126:2024

OIML R126:1998
Bahraini Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 14 April 2024

Evidential Breath Analyzers

BH GSO OIML R126:2024 Files

Arabic 63 Pages
Current Edition
English 52 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language

BH GSO OIML R126:2024 Scope

1.1 This standard applies to evidential breath analyzers (hereafter referred to as EBA’s) which are instruments that automatically measure the mass concentration of alcohol in exhaled breath. However, for the purpose of this standard, only ethanol is considered as alcohol. In fact, physiological phenomena associated with alcohol and, in particular, the definition of that which constitutes the offence of driving (or working, etc.) under the influence of alcohol are not within the scope of this standard. Likewise the legal definition of which compounds (methanol, ethanol, propanol, etc.) constitute alcohol is not provided in this standard, such considerations being established by the responsible authorities of each country. 1.2 This standard does not apply to screening devices which only detect ethanol without providing a sufficiently accurate measurement (see 2.2). 1.3 The performance requirements given here apply to EBA’s using currently available technology. This is not intended to restrict technical development nor exclude the use of other technologies as a means for analysis. 1.4 National authorities may require EBA’s to include a specific conversion device that converts the measurement result obtained in terms of ethanol content in the exhaled breath at the measuring conditions either into physiological conditions or in terms of other quantities. This standard does not cover the metrological performance of such devices. 1.5 The purpose of this standard is to define the performance requirements of EBA’s and the means and methods employed in testing them.

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