BH GSO IEC 61033:2016
IEC 61033:1991
Bahraini Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
08 February 2016
Test methods for the determination of bond strength of impregnating agents to an enamelled wire substrate
BH GSO IEC 61033:2016 Files
null Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
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BH GSO IEC 61033:2016 Scope
This standard describes three methods of test to determine the bond
strength of impregnating agents such as solvent-based varnishes and
solventless resins to an enamelled wire substrate. Bond strength may be
affected by cure, by test temperature, by thermal ageing, and for any
impregnating agent, by the chosen type of wire enamel.
These three methods of test cover the prevailing standard practice of
testing bond strength. For a certain group of materials, one of these
methods may be assigned to be the referee method subject to a specification
in the relevant specification sheet.
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