BH GSO ISO/TR 14253-6:2016

ISO/TR 14253-6:2012
Bahraini Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 10 February 2016

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment -- Part 6: Generalized decision rules for the acceptance and rejection of instruments and workpieces

BH GSO ISO/TR 14253-6:2016 Files

English 15 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language

BH GSO ISO/TR 14253-6:2016 Scope

This part of ISO 14253 expands the scope of decision rules to industrial situations where the default rule of ISO 14253-1 might not be economically optimal. NOTE 1 ISO 14253-1 provides a default decision rule having a very high probability that a measured value resulting in product acceptance also yields a product with the corresponding measurand conforming to specifications. NOTE 2 Changing the decision rule from the default case to a more task-specific case requires agreement between the two parties. This part of ISO 14253 does not address how to determine the cost of correct decisions (accepting conforming workpieces or rejecting nonconforming workpieces) or incorrect decisions (rejecting conforming workpieces or accepting nonconforming workpieces) as this is a business concern. However, the terminology and requirements to communicate and implement the particular decision rules desired by an organization are provided along with examples to guide the reader. NOTE 3 The decision rules in this part of ISO 14253 pertain to a single metrological characteristic under consideration. Unless otherwise stated, all probability distributions discussed in this document are Gaussian and centrally located and the cost functions are simple step functions; however, the principles of this document can be applied to any probability distribution function or cost function.

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