BH GSO ISO/IEC 20006-1:2022
ISO/IEC 20006-1:2014
Bahraini Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
28 April 2022
Information technology for learning, education and training — Information model for competency — Part 1: Competency general framework and information model
BH GSO ISO/IEC 20006-1:2022 Files
43 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
BH GSO ISO/IEC 20006-1:2022 Scope
ISO/IEC 20006-1:2014 provides:
- a general framework for dealing with competency information in information technology for learning, education, and training (ITLET) contexts;
- a system architecture for managing and exchanging competency information and its related objects;
- an information model for expressing competency and its related objects that includes an introduction to the composition of competency;
- use cases used to support the development of the general framework and competency information model.
ISO/IEC 20006-1:2014 is for those who design and use learning systems and human resources systems to support management and exchange of competency information using ITLET systems.
ISO/IEC 20006-1:2014 is related to the Conceptual Reference Model developed in ISO/IEC TR 24763. Information regarding the relationships between the ISO/IEC 20006 and ISO/IEC TR 24763 is provided.
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