BH GSO OIML D31:2023
Bahraini Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
10 December 2023
General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments
BH GSO OIML D31:2023 Files
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BH GSO OIML D31:2023 Scope
This International Document specifies the general requirements applicable to legally relevant software-related functionality and security in measuring instruments and gives guidance for verifying the compliance of an instrument with these requirements.
This Document shall be taken into consideration by the OIML Technical Committees and Subcommittees as a basis for establishing specific software requirements and procedures in OIML Recommendations applicable to particular categories of measuring instruments (hereafter termed “relevant Recommendations”).
The instructions given in this Document apply only to software-controlled measuring instruments or their components.
Note 1: This Document does not cover all the technical requirements specific to software-controlled measuring instruments; these requirements are to be given in the relevant Recommendation, e.g. for weighing instruments, water meters, etc.
Note 2: This Document addresses some aspects concerning data security. In addition, national regulations for this area need to be considered.
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