BH GSO ISO 12006-3:2024
ISO 12006-3:2022
Building construction — Organization of information about construction works — Part 3: Framework for object-oriented information
BH GSO ISO 12006-3:2024 Files
BH GSO ISO 12006-3:2024 Scope
This document specifies a language-independent information model which can be used for the development of dictionaries used to store or provide information about construction works. The model is extended by instantiating content, such as further objects and their relationships, allowing the content to serve as an ontology, taxonomy, meronomy, lexicon and thesaurus.
NOTE 1 Lexicons are resources for comprising lexical entries for a given language
NOTE 2 Meronomies are type of hierarchies which deals with part-whole relationships
NOTE 3 Ontologies are formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualizationIt enables classification systems, information models, object models, data templates and process models to be cross-referenced from within a common framework.
This document provides the description of an API allowing the interconnection of data dictionaries as described in ISO 23386.
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