GSO IEC 61747-30-3:2021
IEC 61747-30-3:2019
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
01 July 2021
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 30-3: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Motion artefact measurement of active matrix liquid crystal display modules
GSO IEC 61747-30-3:2021 Files
26 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
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GSO IEC 61747-30-3:2021 Scope
IEC 61747-30-3:2019(E) applies to transmissive type active matrix liquid crystal displays.
This document defines general procedures for quality evaluation related to the motion performance of transmissive thin film transistor (TFT) LCDs. It defines artefacts in the moving image and methods for motion artefact measurement.
NOTE Motion blur measurement methods and analysis methods introduced in this document are not universal tools for all the different LCD motion enhancement technologies due to their complexity. Users’ attention is drawn to this fact.
This first edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61747-6-3 published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added test positions and areas;
b) revised standard measuring conditions;
c) added calculation of the standard deviation of the line-spread function of the eye;
d) added requirements for high speed camera;
e) changed “LCDs” to “transmissive TFT LCDs” in Clause 1.
This document defines general procedures for quality evaluation related to the motion performance of transmissive thin film transistor (TFT) LCDs. It defines artefacts in the moving image and methods for motion artefact measurement.
NOTE Motion blur measurement methods and analysis methods introduced in this document are not universal tools for all the different LCD motion enhancement technologies due to their complexity. Users’ attention is drawn to this fact.
This first edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61747-6-3 published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added test positions and areas;
b) revised standard measuring conditions;
c) added calculation of the standard deviation of the line-spread function of the eye;
d) added requirements for high speed camera;
e) changed “LCDs” to “transmissive TFT LCDs” in Clause 1.
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