GSO ISO/IEC 18370-1:2023
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
03 May 2023
Information technology — Security techniques — Blind digital signatures — Part 1: General
GSO ISO/IEC 18370-1:2023 Files
27 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
65.85 BHD
GSO ISO/IEC 18370-1:2023 Scope
ISO 18370-1:2016 specifies principles, including a general model, a set of entities, a number of processes, and general requirements for blind digital signature mechanisms, as well as the following variants of blind digital signature mechanisms:
- blind signature mechanisms with partial disclosure;
- blind signature mechanisms with selective disclosure;
- traceable blind signature mechanisms.
It also contains terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and figure elements that are used in all parts of ISO/IEC 18370.
See Annex A for a comparison on the blind digital signature mechanisms.
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