GSO ISO 21725-2:2024

ISO 21725-2:2021
Gulf Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 25 April 2024

Simplified design of prestressed concrete bridges — Part 2: Box-girder bridges

GSO ISO 21725-2:2024 Files

English 83 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language
93.07 BHD

GSO ISO 21725-2:2024 Scope

This document provides information to perform the design of the prestressed concrete box girder bridge for road that complies with the limitations established in 6.1. The rules of design as set forth in the document are simplifications of more elaborate requirements. Among several erection methods of box girder bridges, the provisions of this document are mainly applicable to full staging method (FSM).

Designs and details for new road bridges address structural integrity by considering the following:

—    the use of continuity and redundancy to provide one or more alternate paths;

—    structural members and bearing seat widths that are resistant to damage or instability; and

—    external protection systems to minimize the effects of reasonably conceived severe loads.

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