ISO 19887-1:2024

مواصفة قياسية دولية   الإصدار الحالي · اعتمدت بتاريخ ١٥ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤

Gaseous Hydrogen — Fuel system components for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles — Part 1: Land vehicles

ملفات الوثيقة ISO 19887-1:2024

الإنجليزية 78 صفحات
الإصدار الحالي
84.79 BHD

مجال الوثيقة ISO 19887-1:2024

This document establishes requirements for newly produced compressed hydrogen gas fuel system components, as listed below, that are intended for use on hydrogen gas powered land vehicles:

a)       check valves (see Clause 8);

b)       manual valves (see Clause 9);

c)        manual container valves (see Clause 10);

d)       automatic valves and automatic container valves (see Clause 11);

e)       hydrogen injectors (see Clause 12);

f)         pressure sensors, temperature sensors, and pressure gauges (see Clause 13);

g)       pressure regulators (see Clause 14);

h)       pressure relief valves (PRV) (see Clause 15);

i)         pressure relief devices (PRD) (see Clause 16, and refer to ISO 19882);

j)         excess flow valves (see Clause 17);

k)       gastight housing and leakage capture passages (see Clause 18);

l)         rigid fuel lines (see Clause 19);

m)     flexible fuel lines, hoses, and hose assemblies (see Clause 20);

n)       filter assemblies (see Clause 21);

o)       fittings (see Clause 22);

p)       non-metallic, low-pressure rigid fuel lines (see Clause 23);

q)       discharge line closures (see Clause 24).

NOTE            Other components not specifically identified here can be examined to meet the criteria of ISO 19887-1 and tested according to the appropriate functional needs.

This document applies to components that have a nominal working pressure, as specified by the manufacturer, of 25 MPa, 35 MPa, 50 MPa, or 70 MPa at 15 °C, referred to in this document as the following pressure classes:

a)       “H25” – 25 MPa;

b)       “H35” – 35 MPa;

c)        “H50” – 50 MPa; and

d)       “H70” – 70 MPa.

Other nominal working pressures for hydrogen gas besides those defined can be used if the qualification test requirements of this document are met.

This document also applies to components downstream of the first stage of pressure reduction with a maximum operating pressure designated by the manufacturer in MPa or kPa.

This document does not apply to the following:

a)       hydrogen gas fuel system components incorporated during the manufacture of motor vehicles originally manufactured in compliance with the international regulations on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles, such as UN GTR No. 13, UN Regulation No. 134, UN Regulation No. 146, or IEC 62282-4-101;

b)       fuel containers;

c)        stationary power generation applications;

d)       container mounting hardware;

e)       electronic fuel management;

f)         refuelling receptacles; or

g)       components intended for liquid hydrogen.

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