BH GSO CXG 94:2023
CXG 94:2021
Bahraini Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
10 December 2023
BH GSO CXG 94:2023 Files
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BH GSO CXG 94:2023 Scope
These guidelines cover the design and implementation of integrated monitoring and surveillance programme(s)
for foodborne AMR and AMU along the food chain and the food production environment.
Although these guidelines do not cover the design and implementation of monitoring and surveillance of AMR
and AMU in humans, an integrated programme within the context of overall risk management of AMR (One
Health approach) may be informed by data, trends, methodology and epidemiology regarding AMR and AMU
in humans.
The microorganisms covered by these guidelines are foodborne pathogens of public health relevance and
indicator bacteria.
Antimicrobials used as biocides including disinfectants, are excluded from the scope of these guidelines.
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