GSO ISO 23662:2023
ISO 23662:2021
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
10 September 2023
Definitions and technical criteria for foods and food ingredients suitable for vegetarians or vegans and for labelling and claims
GSO ISO 23662:2023 Files
6 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
17.56 BHD
GSO ISO 23662:2023 Scope
The document specifies the definitions and technical criteria to be fulfilled for foods and food ingredients to be suitable for vegetarians (including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and lacto-vegetarians) or vegans as well as for food labelling and claims.
It is applicable to business-to-business communication (B2B), to the food trade, and to food labelling and claims. The definitions and technical criteria apply only post-harvest/collecting.
It does not apply to human safety, environmental safety, socio-economic considerations (e.g. fair trade, animal welfare), religious beliefs and the characteristics of packaging materials.
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